Nasium ApproachJanuary 22, 2024

Nasium Training Benefits: The Power of Our High-Value Approach

Article by Christina DeBusk
doctors and nurses in conference room

In a 2022 survey, healthcare executives ranked workforce challenges such as personnel shortages and staff burnout as their top concern for the second year in a row, replacing financial challenges – which held the top slot for 16 consecutive years.1

Nasium Training provides customizable training programs designed to help healthcare organizations address and resolve their biggest workforce challenges through upskilling and reskilling their staff. The secret to these programs lies in our “high-value” training approach.

Our High-Value Training Approach

Nasium Training understands that for a training program to be effective, it must interact with both healthcare employers and employees. Healthcare employers need to be involved in the creation of training programs for these programs to best address their specific workforce issues. Healthcare employees must be engaged in the training as well, contributing to their professional growth and development.

Nasium Training’s works by bringing the two together, allowing for a more comprehensive solution for resolving workforce challenges. The four pillars of this approach are:

  • Set for Success : The Nasium Training team will help you identify healthcare employees who would be well-suited for a training program, setting them up for greater job success.
  • Robust Curriculum : Nasium Training utilizes a variety of learning tools. This provides employees with the skills needed for improved competency in their healthcare roles.
  • Enhanced Learner Experience : Nasium Training programs are a combination of instructor-led and/or self-study learning. This provides learners with support and flexibility, whether upskilling for their current position or reskilling for a different one.
  • Licensure Preparation : Nasium Training programs provide learners with the education and skills necessary to pass state licensure exams or professional certifications, the goal being that the first attempt is the only one they’ll need.

Utilizing these four pillars in all our training programs provides healthcare organizations with a workforce training solution from start to finish. It’s a solution that involves both employers and employees in the process, creating an environment in which everyone is working toward the same goal: healthcare workforce success.

At the core of the is having live instruction for certain aspects of curriculum training for some training programs.

Nasium Training Benefits for Healthcare Employers

Nasium Training’s high-value, live online, instructor-led training solutions can train and upskill your workforce. Research shows that workforce training and professional development support lead to improved recruitment efforts2, increased employee retention3, and higher job performance.4

Employees, both current and prospective, want to train and learn. Gallup released the results of its American Upskilling Survey in June of 2021. This survey included 15,066 adult Americans employed or in the labor force and found:5

  • 53% of the healthcare workers surveyed were interested in upskilling programs
  • 65% of all adults surveyed felt that upskilling programs were an important factor when considering a new job
  • 61% thought that upskilling programs were important when deciding to remain with their current employer

When asked, 75% of current employees surveyed say that if their organization had a clear career path, including training, this would encourage them to stay longer at their job, based on findings in the Study on Allied Health Workforce Retention commissioned by UMA Education, Inc. and ACUPOLL Precision Research, Inc. 6


Nasium Training provides healthcare employers the opportunity to not only upskill, reskill, and advance their employees, but also to be engaged in the process. As an employer, you’re encouraged to share your biggest workforce challenges and Nasium Training works with you to find viable, long-term solutions based on your specific needs – that’s our High-Touch Customer Support promise to our partners.

Nasium Training wants you to have access to training programs that are aligned with your workforce issues and goals. . Nasium Training has existing programs that can meet your needs or can create a customized solution.

Nasium Training also can offer an accelerated program pace. With healthcare worker shortages, you don’t have time to wait to upskill and reskill your staff. You need a training program that is effective but can be completed fairly quickly. With two-week to 25-week courses, Nasium Training provides this ability, helping you train and advance your workers in a shorter period of time.

Additional employer-based benefits of partnering with Nasium Training include having access to a dedicated customer success manager, white glove onboarding based on your preferences, one-on-one meetings to define and develop your learners’ needs, personalized product walkthroughs, and strategy planning focused on career pathing and retention success.

Advantages for Healthcare Employees

Healthcare employees also gain several advantages when engaged in Nasium Training programs. Among them are:

  • flexible online learning
  • hands-on clinical training for some programs/courses
  • certification preparation
  • preparation for future role needs
  • a variety of training tools
  • access to experienced instructors
  • individual learner support


Many healthcare employees are adult working learners, which means that they have more on their plate than ever before, juggling work, life, and other responsibilities in an increasingly busy world. Dealing with the rapid rate of technology changes alone can make it difficult to keep up with the workflow, let alone focus on their career development.

That’s why many of our programs are offered online, providing maximum convenience. At the same time, learners also gain the value of hands-on training, boosting their skills and confidence.

Nasium Training programs also help learners prepare for certification. This is beneficial for healthcare workers that either need this certification to perform their job role or simply want to be certified as a way to grow professionally.

Nasium Training: Your Partner in Workforce Solutions

Even though workforce challenges are a major issue in healthcare today, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t actions we can take to start tackling this problem. By working together in our upskilling and reskilling efforts, Nasium Training can provide training programs to help strengthen your workforce, improve your retention, and increase your hiring appeal.

Contact Nasium Training today to learn more about how we can partner together to solve your greatest workforce issues. Our high-touch training approach provides maximum support to both ou and your employees, creating a more comprehensive solution designed to provide longer-lasting effects.


1 American College of Healthcare Executives. Survey: Workforce Challenges Cited by CEOs as Top Issue Confronting Hospitals in 2022.

2 Apostolopoulos A. Employee Upskilling & Reskilling Statistics: Casting Light on the Trend. TalentLMS.

3 Linzer M, Griffiths EP, Felman MD. Responding to the Great Resignation: Detoxify and Rebuild the Culture. Journal of General Internal Medicine.

4 Staboulis M, Lazaridou I. Worldwide Approaches of Soft Skills Training as a Strategy Factor of ROI Growth. EDULEARN20 Proceedings.

5 Gallup. The American Upskilling Study.

6 Based on 1,000 participants surveyed in the Study on Allied Health Workforce Retention commissioned by UMA Education, Inc., and ACUPOLL Precision Research, Inc., February 3-22, 2023.

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